BIBLE READING: Genesis 31:45-55
We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
We all have particular weaknesses, and it is often helpful to establish personal boundary lines to support these weaker areas. We may need to clearly define our commitments to others; we may need to agree on certain limitations in order to maintain peace. Once the boundaries have been established, honesty is needed to maintain them. An assessment of our honesty in keeping our commitments needs to be a regular part of our everyday life.
Jacob and his father-in-law, Laban, had some conflicts. As they were working them out, they entered into an agreement by drawing a clearly defined boundary line and setting up a monument to remind them of that commitment. “ ‘May the LORD keep watch between us to make sure that we keep this covenant when we are out of each other’s sight. . . . See this pile of stones,’ Laban continued, ‘and see this monument I have set between us. They stand between us as witnesses of our vows.’ . . . So Jacob took an oath before the fearsome God of his father, Isaac, to respect the boundary line” (Genesis 31:49, 51-53).
Restoring trust in our relationships is part of recovery. To do this we should define our expectations and enter cautiously into commitments. We are not merely responsible for what the other person knows about. We are personally responsible for our own honesty before the watchful eyes of God. These relational commitments are not to be entered into lightly. But when we make them, they must be vigilantly maintained.”
Excerpt From: Tyndale House Publishers. “The Life Recovery Bible NLT.
We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
We all have particular weaknesses, and it is often helpful to establish personal boundary lines to support these weaker areas. We may need to clearly define our commitments to others; we may need to agree on certain limitations in order to maintain peace. Once the boundaries have been established, honesty is needed to maintain them. An assessment of our honesty in keeping our commitments needs to be a regular part of our everyday life.
Jacob and his father-in-law, Laban, had some conflicts. As they were working them out, they entered into an agreement by drawing a clearly defined boundary line and setting up a monument to remind them of that commitment. “ ‘May the LORD keep watch between us to make sure that we keep this covenant when we are out of each other’s sight. . . . See this pile of stones,’ Laban continued, ‘and see this monument I have set between us. They stand between us as witnesses of our vows.’ . . . So Jacob took an oath before the fearsome God of his father, Isaac, to respect the boundary line” (Genesis 31:49, 51-53).
Restoring trust in our relationships is part of recovery. To do this we should define our expectations and enter cautiously into commitments. We are not merely responsible for what the other person knows about. We are personally responsible for our own honesty before the watchful eyes of God. These relational commitments are not to be entered into lightly. But when we make them, they must be vigilantly maintained.”
Excerpt From: Tyndale House Publishers. “The Life Recovery Bible NLT.
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