Monday, February 16, 2015

Step 2 Devotional - Grandiose Thinking

BIBLE READING: Daniel 4:19-33

We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

When we are caught up in our addiction, it’s common for us to deny the truth about our situation with grandiose thinking. We may believe that we’re above it all, a god unto ourself, accountable to no one.
In his day, Nebuchadnezzar, king of ancient Babylon, was the most powerful ruler on earth. He believed he was a god and demanded to be worshiped. Through Daniel God said to him, “This is . . . what the Most High has declared will happen to [you]. You will be driven from human society, and you will live in the fields with the wild animals . . . until you learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses” (Daniel 4:24-25).

This happened just as Daniel had predicted. At the end of the king’s time in exile, he said, “I . . . looked up to heaven. My sanity returned, and I praised and worshiped the Most High and honored the one who lives forever. . . . When my sanity returned to me, so did my honor and glory and kingdom . . . with even greater honor and glory and kingdom . . . with even greater honor than before. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and glorify and honor the King of heaven. All his acts are just and true, and he is able to humble the proud” (Daniel 4:34, 36-37).

We are not God; we are accountable to God—a higher power. This higher power can remedy our “madness” and restore our life to be even better than it was before our season of “insanity.” God will do so if we entrust our life to him.”

Excerpt From: Tyndale House Publishers. “The Life Recovery Bible NLT.”

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